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User Management

Cloud DesktopLess than 1 minuteWeb UIUser Management

User List


User information: Includes login name, personal disk file, capacity, file size, and last login IP.
Read/write status: Includes user's online time, current read/write speed, total read and write amount.

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Name: The login account of the personal disk
Password: The login password
Category: Custom category
Type: Disk and system image. When it is a system image, it can be booted on multiple computers through PXE network boot. When it is a disk type, it can be mounted as a data disk when booting PXE network or local offline VHD.
Parent system image: When it is a personal restore point, you can specify a public parent system image. This way, it can be used as a personalized restore point and booted on multiple computers through PXE network boot.
Client drive letter: When it is a disk type, you can specify the drive letter
Disk file path: The storage path on the server
Capacity: The specified capacity when creating a new disk file
Create new disk file: Whether to create a new one

Last update:
Contributors: jackie